I’m Amanda, a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner,  and the heart and voice behind {this elysian life.}
I’m a New England girl through and through (let's just say one of my "happy places" would be somewhere along a rocky coast line, my jeans rolled up, feet in the sand, and of course, sporting a Red Sox hat!) - currently, living in the picturesque rolling hills of Tennessee, just outside of Nashville.
I’m married to my best friend, Mama to a beautiful little girl, a simple living enthusiast and a passionate advocate and educator of holistic nutrition and wellness.


My Story.

The path that lead to where I am today was certainly not a straight one – it was a long, meandering road with many detours, joy and sorrow, tragedies and triumphs. I’ve always been one of those “glass half-full” type of people, so through much of my life, I’ve taken the twists and turns in stride and just kept going with a smile on my face.  
After ten years of working a high-stress, non-stop, "no boundaries" job in the financial sector though, it got to a point where I found myself overworked, exhausted, facing a myriad of health issues, grieving the sudden loss of my father and business partner and essentially struggling with what seemed like all areas of my life – including my role as a new mom. 
It was like I woke up one day and didn’t recognize my life – or myself anymore.
It was then that I realized I needed to make some drastic changes. If the passing of my father had taught me anything, it was that nothing is guaranteed.  It sounds cliché, but it’s true; life is short.  This is the one life we’re given. This is our one chance. This is our only shot to make life what we want it to be.  I didn’t want to waste one more minute of this life, my life.
With the love and support of my incredible husband, family and friends, I left it all behind and ventured into the great unknown.  I started taking steps to heal myself – mind, body and spirit.
I left my job – the only profession I had ever known.  I took a step back, I slowed everything down.  I started studying herbalism.  I explored every holistic wellness methodology I could find and read everything I could get my hands on. I went to workshops and lectures. I studied and practiced meditation, mindfulness, yoga and I started see a light at the end of the tunnel. Then, I found nutritional therapy. It was through this process that my life changed.
Within weeks of seeing an nutritional therapy practitioner, I could feel my energy coming back.  I felt better.  I slept better. I was happier.
Through targeted changes to my diet, lifestyle and supplementation, I started to feel like myself again!  This energy and vitality allowed me to get back to being the kind of person I wanted to be, the kind of mom and wife I wanted to be - and to dream of what else I could be.
It is because of this journey that I decided to become a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Holistic Health Educator.
It is because of this journey that I created {this elysian life}  - so that I could reach others who were feeling sick, tired, depleted, overwhelmed, and discouraged - and help them turn things around, as I did.
Let me help you tap into the natural forces within you, and live the life you have imagined, {this elysian life.}


With purpose,