
What is Nutritional Therapy?

Let food be thy medicine,
and medicine be thy food.
— Hippocrates

Nutritional Therapy is a holistic approach to nutrition, based on the importance of nutrient dense, properly prepared whole foods, paired with a well balanced lifestyle.


So what exactly does that mean? Essentially, getting back to basics - and I mean WAY back! ;) For centuries, humans have instinctively known what foods they needed to nourish their bodies. No matter where they lived on the globe or in what climate.  It is only in our recent history that we have moved away from this traditional knowledge and turned towards the easy, cheap, "shelf stable," sugar and chemical laden "food" options - and seen an explosion of chronic health problems. 

The body has an innate intelligence for what it needs to not only survive, but thrive.  We have simply lost touch with this aspect of ourselves.  As a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP,) I act as a detective to help each individual client tap into this innate capacity and reconnect with his or her unique needs, correct imbalances and support the restoration of optimal health.

What about the "well balanced lifestyle" component? Here at {this elysian life}, I'm ready to support your efforts here, too! Through our time together, I'll work to gain an understanding of your life, your goals and your challenges and determine the targeted changes you can make to bring more balance and contentment into each day. 


Are you ready to take the first step towards optimal health and happiness? Towards living the life you have imagined?

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