The Six Foundations to a Healthy You!

Welcome to my inaugural blog post! Thanks for stopping by!

So, where better to begin my first blog post than with a look at the very basics of nutritional therapy.  The “textbook” definition of nutrition is “The study of the biological processes used by the body to break down, absorb and utilize the nutrients contained in food.”  Did your eyes glaze over already? Just kidding. ;)

My point in sharing this definition is to reiterate and understand that what we eat has a direct effect on how our bodies function. The point of eating is primarily to acquire nutrients. (Don't get me wrong the social and pleasure aspects are wonderful, as well, but that's not why we're here today!) In the crazy, fast paced world we live in, the food we eat, where it comes from and what happens once we eat it, is typically pretty far from our minds as we scarf something down on our way to the next appointment, event or obligation in our lives.  The food we eat is *supposed* to contain the nutrients that our bodies need to function and perform the necessary duties to keep us living, breathing moving – and ideally – feeling good. When we provide the right fuel for our bodies, they do just that.  The only problem is, the modern lifestyle has moved us further and further away from being able to do that, or even be cognizant enough to know that something is amiss.

The key to optimal health can really be boiled down to six primary components - our foundations of health - and keeping each of these in balance.  If anyone of these foundations begins to slide, the human body cannot perform the necessary functions at optimal levels, and things start to go downhill.  We start to get tired, sick and eventually develop any of the myriad of health issues we hear about today. If, however, we stay cognizant of these six fundamentals – and correct any imbalances we have, we can prevent, and even turn the tide, on these issues.

Now, since each of these topics alone could actually warrant novels independently, I’ve decided that this post with actually be the first of a series.  Here, we’ll outline a basic summary of each, and then in the coming weeks we’ll continue to dive deeper into each of these foundations.

So, let’s get to it!


Properly Prepared, Nutrient Dense Diet

I can’t say this enough: whole foods, whole foods, whole foods! No, I don’t mean the store, Whole Foods – though you can absolutely shop there! I mean food in it’s true whole form – not the adulterated processed foods on every shelf, in every grocery store.  The prevalence of processed food, with way too many ingredients that you can’t even pronounce, has become absolutely overwhelming.  Even something that you might pick up off the shelf that "appears" to be healthy, is likely to have all kinds of things that are counterproductive to your health hidden inside. 

The easiest way to work towards this “foundation of health” is to stay away from, or minimize, anything pre-packaged or boxed. Try to eat food the way nature intended, in the form of vegetables, fruits, beans/legumes, eggs and meats – and even dairy and whole grains in moderation, if you tolerate them well.  These foods are the most nutrient rich, and will contain the fewest detrimental ingredients (especially if you can opt for organic, non-GMO and/or local options.)  The goal here is to avoid the things that can irritate your digestive system and your body as a whole – and just give it the building blocks to do its thing!

When it comes to properly preparing your food, there are a number of ways that you can prepare your food. (Just wait for the recipes I’ll be sending your way, woot woot!)  Ideally, you’ll want to ensure that you have a mixture of raw, cooked and fermented foods – and pay special attention to your nuts, seeds beans/legumes and grains.

It’s really important to give these foods a little extra love, your body will thank you! They contain a component called phytic acid, which can make them more difficult to digest – as well as actually leech other nutrients, specifically minerals from your digestive tract. With that being said, these foods are definitely items you want to include in your delicious and nutritious “wheelhouse.”  All you need to do is ensure that these items are soaked, sprouted or fermented – and you’re good to go.  These actions break down the phytic acid, thus reducing the cause for concern.



Speaking of Digestion! Digestion is truly imperative to optimal health (and thus, nutritional therapy.) Our digestive systems are the avenue in which we breakdown and absorb all of those nutrients from the incredible food we were just talking about! Even if we have the most incredible diet on the planet, if our digestion is not working properly, then we can’t gain access to all of the benefits of everything we’ve just eaten – and further, that undigested food can wreak havoc on our entire system, and can encourage all kinds of bacteria, viruses and fungus to take hold in our systems. When digestion is functioning well, then we have a great foundation to fuel all of the other functions in our bodies, and minimize additional burdens for the body to contend with.


Blood Sugar Balance

If you’ve ever been on the “blood sugar rollercoaster” you know just how much a “spike” or a “drop” in your blood sugar can affect your wellbeing.  Now, our bodies have the innate ability to manage and balance our blood sugar, but the challenges begin when we interfere by perpetually making all of our organs work overtime – specifically by eating diets incredibly high in carbohydrates and sugar.  (Sometimes we don’t even realize just how much we’re consuming, when we’re eating out of boxes and bags.)

If we continue to eat the “Standard American Diet,” this rollercoaster is inevitable, as is the exhaustion of our organs, leading to all kinds of issues that reach far and wide, Diabetes being only one of many. (As an example, your liver is a major player in blood sugar management, but it also performs a total of over 500 different functions! Just imagine all that can go wrong if your liver is too tired from managing all the sugar your systems been flooded with.) 


Fatty Acid Balance

Despite popular belief, the science is in – fats are truly our friend. Yep, I said it.  I know many of you might be completely astounded by this, but I cannot say this one enough.  Fat does not make you fat.  Fat is an entirely essential nutrient required for your body to function, especially your brain! Did you know that every single cell in your body has a membrane, and that membrane is comprised of fat? I know, mind blown.  If you are not consuming fat, then your body does not have what it requires to support each and every cell in your body.

Now, I don’t mean that you have the go ahead to go order up whatever fried goodies you might be craving – those aren’t the fats I’m talking about. ;) Those fats, highly processed, hydrogenated oils, trans fats, – including margarine, shortening, canola oils, cotton seed oils are ones to most definitely steer clear of.  

I’m talking about good quality, healthy, dietary fats.  Coconut oil, flax seed oil, olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds, egg yolks, wild caught seafood and fish oils, real grass-fed butter (put some butter on your veggies – GO FOR IT!) and ghee, and saturated fats from the meat of pasture raised animals.



Though minerals are actually a smaller component of our bodies, they play a number of important role in our overall health – everything from acting as co-factors for enzymes, to contracting and relaxing muscles, to contributing to proper nerve conduction and more!

The big take away here, is that we cannot produce minerals within our bodies.  We must obtain them from our food and water, thus reiterating the importance of both a nutrient dense diet and proper digestion.



I saved the best for last, all.  If you take one thing from post, I hope it is this – water is life! We as humans can go weeks without food, we can only go days without water!  The majority of people are not drinking nearly enough water.  The ideal goal is to drink half your body weight in ounces of water (plus additional to offset any diuretics you might have coffee, etc.) It may seem like a lot, but dehydration is actually the most common nutrient deficiencies.

It is one of the most overlooked nutrients, yet it is one of the most important factors related to your health!  A few quick statistics for you:

  • A drop in the body’s water content by as little as 2% will cause fatigue.
  • A drop in the body’s water content by 10% will cause significant health issues, including digestive, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and immune.
  • A loss of greater than 10% can cause death.  

I know it can be hard to remember to drink it – or maybe there are more exciting beverages you’d prefer to drink - but it is worth it.  If you start carrying around a refillable water bottle, and drink it throughout your day, I’m certain you’ll see the benefits!

There you have it, all – The Six Foundations to a Healthy You! Thanks again for stopping by!

With Purpose,



PS. Be sure to subscribe below – and stay tuned for the next posts in this series, where we’ll get specific on what you need to do to keep each of these foundations balanced, plus more inspiration and insights for a happier and healthier you!